7 Reasons to Add Cranberries to Your Diet
7 Reasons to Add Cranberries to Your Diet
Packed with health-boosting benefits for your whole body, there's no denying the superfood power of these tiny red berries.
The fact that cranberries don’t draw the same fanfare as other superfoods is an absolute travesty. Not only are they exploding with antioxidants, but cranberries also have a fascinating backstory and can be incredibly effective in certain healthcare applications. Make no mistake, their benefits go far beyond the urinary tract, and their history goes far beyond festive eating.
Beyond dazzling tartness, cranberries have well-researched health benefits. Not only does it easily earn a place in a generally healthy diet of colourful whole foods, but it can also be stunningly successful in more specific clinical applications.
However you enjoy their unique tangy flavour profile, your whole body, from bladder to teeth, will rejoice if you add cranberries to your diet.
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